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Practical semester with preparatory training

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Certificate balance and perspective discussion

The form on which you can have the assessment and perspective interview certified can be foundhere: .

To prepare for the discussion, you will find information on the content, objectives and structure of the discussion in a guide.

The practical semester with preparatory training is an integral part of the professionalization process; scientific theoretical knowledge and reflection are combined with practical work in a research-oriented manner. Embedded in a professional field-related study year, which - in addition to the practical semester itself - includes the Modules for Preparing and Reflecting on the Practical Semester (VRPS Modules) and the Module German as a Second Language (DaZ), the practical semester comprises a school research part and a practical school part. The practical school part aims at testing the role of the teacher in different school settings within the framework of research-based learning [Centre for teaching and learning]. The school research part serves to research selected aspects of school practice within the framework of study projects. The practical semester with preparatory training thus lays the foundations for the subsequent study components and the 18-month preparatory training that follows the study program.

The practical semester in the 2nd or 3rd master's semester is completed in a type of school corresponding to the teaching qualification to be pursued and in the subjects studied and in educational sciences. It is divided into a practical school part and a school research part, both of which are part of the teaching profession-specific Modules for the practical semester:

  • 69-PS_GymGe
  • 69-PS_HRSGe
  • 69-PS_HRSGe-ISP
  • 69-PS_G
  • 69-PS_G-ISP

The preparatory and reflective courses (VPS and RPS) for the practical semester in the subjects and in educational sciences are parts of the respective Modules Preparation and Reflection Practical Semester (VRPS).

In the semester immediately preceding the practical semester, you will be prepared for the practical semester in your subjects and in educational sciences. For this purpose, you will attend specific preparatory seminars (VPS) of the Modules Preparation and Reflection Practical Semester (VRPS) in the subjects and in educational sciences.

During the practical semester with preparatory training takes place at three different learning sites: School, Centers for Practical Teacher Training (ZfsL) and University. During the practical part of the program, you will complete teaching projects in the school and attend introductory and accompanying courses at the ZfsL Bielefeld or the ZfsL Minden. In the context of the school research part, you will carry out two study projects in the sense of research-based learning and attend university accompanying seminars as a continuation of the VPS courses in the subjects and in educational sciences. The practical school part is completed by a review and perspective interview, which is conducted and certified by the assigned ZfsL. The basis of the assessment and perspective discussion is the Bielefeld portfolio theory-in-practice course. The school research part is completed by two module examinations on the study projects carried out.

Following the practical semester, you will attend reflection seminars (RPS) of the Modules Preparation and Reflection Practical Semester (VRPS) in the subjects and in educational sciences as a continuation of the university accompanying seminars during the practical semester.


Visualisierung PS GymGe und HRSGe/+ISP

@Universität Bielefeld

Visualisierung PS G und G+ISP

@Universität Bielefeld


The school research portion of the practical semester includes 360 hours (12 LP).

The school practicum portion is 390 hours (13 LP):

  • Of these, you will typically be at your practicum school for approximately 12 hours per week, four days a week. Friday is available as a study day for supervision by the university and the ZfsL.
  • At the learning location school, you will complete at least 50 to a maximum of 70 hours of supervised instruction in your subjects, participate in classroom consultations as well as in school life and service-related events (e.g. conferences, hiking days, parent meetings, etc.), prepare and follow up on your school activities, and reflect on them in your Bielefeld Portfolio Praxisstudien.

Period and project duration

The project duration of the practical semester with preparatory training is approximately 7 months.

In the Summer semester, it starts directly after the lecture period of the Winter semester: by February 15 at the latest. In the Winter semester, it starts at the beginning of the school year: by September 15 at the latest.

Pupils are trained at the school as a place of learning according to the school semesters.

The allocation of internship places is done centrally by the BiSEd internship placement office. The place application is made online in the web portal for the allocation of places in the practical semester with preparatory training (PVP). All schools that offer internships in the Bielefeld training region are listed here. Schools in the area of responsibility of the ZfsL Minden and Bielefeld are available.


1. you apply for a placement for the practical semester with preparatory training via the online portal. The registration takes place either from 01.10. (start date of the practical semester with preparatory training in February) or from 01.04. (start date of the practical semester with preparatory training in September).

2. based on your data (teaching profession, combination of subjects, preparatory seminars etc.) and on the basis of the seminar capacities made available in PVP, you will be displayed all the schools in the training region that are suitable for you.

3. you select a certain number of schools within different regional classes and prioritize your selection. This gives you the possibility to influence the location of your internship school.

4. in addition, you have the possibility to specify a location point (e.g. place of residence of parents, girlfriend, sister, etc.), which will then be taken into account if none of your selected schools could be assigned. You will then receive a place at a school with the shortest possible distance to your location point.

5. approximately 2 months before the start date of the practical semester with preparatory training you will be informed at which school you will carry out the school practical part.


The following prerequisites apply to applying for a place and being assigned to a school:

1. a prerequisite for applying for a placement is enrolment in a master's degree program with the professional goal of a teaching position.

2. prerequisite for the assignment of an internship school is that study requirements / credits in all Modules for Preparation and Reflection Practical Semester (VRPS) in the respective subjects studied and in educational sciences in the preparatory seminars for the practical semester (VPS) have been completed.

The practical semester with preparatory training is embedded in a professional field-related academic year. Thereby you have to consider some dates and deadlines.

Preparatory Seminars (VPS)

The specific preparatory seminars (VPS) in the subjects and in educational sciences are limited in terms of participation. Special registration deadlines apply in order to be able to adjust the demand planning if necessary. The binding registration for the preparatory seminars (VPS) in the electronic course catalogue (eKVV) takes place in June/July (start of practical semester with preparatory training in February) or in January (start of practical semester with preparatory training in September). The specific dates of a practical semester can be found in the respective timetable. Registration is binding in the sense that you can only be sure of a place in the subjects and educational sciences you are studying if you register on time.

Approval and admission to the Master of Education program

The application for a study place in the Master of Education must be submitted by 15.07. for the Winter semester or by 15.01. for the Summer semester. If you want to complete the professional field-related study year in the 1st and 2nd semester, you must have completed the Bachelor's degree and change of programme to the Master of Education early. To be on the safe side, you can

  • Change of programme to the Master of Education by 30.09. (start date of practical semester in February) or 31.03. (start date of practical semester with preparatory training in September). However, the last possible date for the change of programme varies in the individual internship semesters depending on the application for school internship places in the web portal for the allocation of places (PVP) and can also be extended into October or April. The specific dates of each internship semester can be found in the respective timetable.

As a rule, all academic achievements and the application for a certificate must be submitted by mid-August (start date of practical semester with preparatory training in February) or mid-February (start date of practical semester with preparatory training in September). In order to be absolutely sure that all requirements are met by 30.09. or 31.3., an earlier degree and an earlier application for a certificate are strongly recommended. If this is not possible for you, please consult the relevant examination office. BAFöG recipients should note, however, that completion of the Bachelor course (last examination) before 1.8. or 1.2. will result in the loss of BAFöG for the months of August and September or February and March.

Applying for an internship

For the practical semester with preparatory training you apply for an internship place via the online portal. The prerequisite for applying for a place is a place in the VPS courses in the subjects studied and in educational sciences, as well as enrolment in a Master's degree program with the professional goal of a teaching position.

Registration in the web portal starts from 01.10. (start date of practical semester in February) or from 01.04. (start date of practical semester with preparatory training in September). The exact dates of the registration period for applying for a place vary depending on the lecture period. The last possible date for enrolment in the Master of Education also varies with the respective application deadline. The specific dates of a practical semester can be found in the respective timetable.

Study requirements / credits in the preparatory seminars (VPS)

Prerequisite for the assignment of an internship school is the achievement of study requirements / credits in the preparatory seminars for the practical semester (VPS) in all Modules for Preparation and Reflection Practical Semester (VRPS). The study requirements / credits in the VPS courses of the subjects and educational sciences must be completed by 15.11. (start date of practical semester in February) or by 15.05. (start date of practical semester in September).

Assignment of an internship place

The assignment of an internship place takes place in the middle of the preparatory semester:

  • approx. by 15. 12. (start date of practical semester with preparatory training in February)
  • approx. by 15 .06. (start date of practical semester with preparatory training in September)

With your assignment, you will receive a request from the Center for Practical Teacher Training (ZfsL) responsible for you to apply for an extended certificate of good conduct. It is essential that you observe the deadlines set. Otherwise you will not be able to start the practical semester with preparatory training. Further information can be found here.

Timetable for practical semester with preparatory training

The timetable for a respective practical semester with preparatory training with the specific dates and deadlines can be found here here

The practical part of the practical semester with preparatory training is completed by a review and perspective meeting (BPG). It serves as a consultation and assessment of the individual professional development and the discussion of individual development possibilities.

With the participation in the assessment and perspective discussion, the further school activities (usually 70 hours of supervised teaching as well as two teaching consultations) are certified as study requirements / credits in the practical semester with preparatory training.

The assessment and perspective discussion

  • is ungraded,
  • has a maximum project duration of one hour,
  • takes place during the last four weeks of the practical part at the school,
  • is prepared by you and
  • is based on your thematic priorities.

In addition to you, one staff member from the Center for Practical Teacher Training (ZfsL) and one from the school will participate in the training. In addition, the participation of a teaching staff, instructors, lectures of the Universities is possible.

The necessary arrangements (scheduling, room, university participation if necessary) are made with the training school and the responsible ZfsL.

Further information, in particular on the content, preparation and structure of the interview, can be found in the guidelines for the assessment and outlook interview.

The existing regulations for the practical semester with preparatory training are summarized in the information sheet on the practical school part. The leaflet specifies the aspects that are important for the learning locations school and ZfsL, e.g. procedures in case of illness, pregnancy or maternity leave, attendance times at school and ZfsL etc.

During the practical semester with preparatory training, two study projects are carried out as part of the school research component. The subject of the partial module examinations to be taken in the respective teaching profession-specific Modules for the practical semester are two seminar papers or two seminar papers with colloquium-like presentation, each documenting and reflecting on a study project.

In terms of organization, the partial module examinations are assigned to the in-depth courses. The teaching staff, instructors, lectures are therefore examiners.

Start of examination and deadline

The examination procedure practical semester with preparatory training starts with the assignment to an internship school. The processing time for the seminar papers is calculated from the last day of the practical school phase and is three months from this point. You will be informed of the corresponding submission deadline in the assignment notice.

Withdrawal and extension of processing time

The prerequisite is the existence of an important reason (MPO Ed.). The decision on this is made exclusively by the director of the BiSEd. If there is an important reason, send an application for an extension of the processing time by e-mail to the functional address and attach the form for the extension of the deadline or the withdrawal due to illness-related examination incapacity. In your application, please also name the examiners with whom the processing time of your study project is to be extended. We will inform you about the decision by e-mail.

Assignment of the partial module examinations

You have to assign the two partial examinations in your transcript to the two specializations yourself, since the system only maps random assignments to A and B respectively. As soon as both academic achievements are booked, move your achievements in your transcript in such a way that one is assigned to the specialization A and one to the specialization B. Only then you will see the green check mark, which is a prerequisite to close a module.

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